Chapter 8: Practical Process

Chapter 8: Reflection Questions

As you read chapter 8 of The Discerning Life, reflect on the following questions as you practice a preference for God:

NOTICE: what seems to stand out the most as you read this chapter?

GRATITUDE: where are you seeing God reveal more of himself as you reflect on what you read?

ATTEND: as you read this chapter, what emotional response is emerging from within?

PRAY: how is God tapping you on the shoulder of your heart and inviting you to trust him more fully?

INVITATION: what aspect of your personal life and/or service to others needs to be revised or renewed?

Chapter 8: Video Message


Chapter 8: Discernment in Action

I am happy to share with you a Praxis handout from Leadership Transformations on the topic of “Daily Examen” which was compiled by Matt Scott, LTI's Creative Director. The ancient practice of Examen is directly linked to a lifestyle of spiritual discernment. 

As  you read through chapter 8 and consider the practical process presented, it’s so helpful if your fellow discernmentarians in your church or on your team understand Examen. To walk through such a process together invites ongoing prayerful reflection on the presence and power of God. Examen is a reflection exercise for individuals and groups to notice God in everything. 

I hope these LTI resources have been helpful to you and yours. Please let us know how we can continue to aid you in developing a lifestyle of spiritual discernment, practicing a preference for God in everything! 

Your brother in Christ, 


Chapter 8: Podcast + Pathways

In Season 17, Episode 08 of The Discerning Leader Podcast, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott answer the question: "What is the practical process for decision making?" Click here to listen!

Also, be sure to sign up for *PATHWAYS to receive free weekly spiritual formation resources directly into your inbox each Thursday.

Continue exploring spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participating in our online and in-person program offerings.

Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at