Chapter 7: Intentional Focus

Chapter 7: Reflection Questions

As you read chapter 7 of The Discerning Life, reflect on the following questions as you practice a preference for God:

NOTICE: what seems to stand out the most as you read this chapter?

GRATITUDE: where are you seeing God reveal more of himself as you reflect on what you read?

ATTEND: as you read this chapter, what emotional response is emerging from within?

PRAY: how is God tapping you on the shoulder of your heart and inviting you to trust him more fully?

INVITATION: what aspect of your personal life and/or service to others needs to be revised or renewed?

Chapter 7: Video Message


Chapter 7: Discernment in Action

In chapter 7, we are looking at spiritual discernment through lens of intentionality. We are noting how Jesus was focused and intentional, even as he hung on the cross. Some of the topics we are covering here include: noticing God, releasing our attachments, holy indifference, consolation and desolation. These are challenging for all of us to consider. 

Therefore, I am enclosing a resource from Leadership Transformations on “Reflective Journaling" with a brotherly encouragement to spend some time reflecting - as a Christ follower - on the decisions before you today. And, as you consider your community, how open are your friends and family to these practices? Journal your thoughts and notice how God brings clarity to your heart and mind. 

God bless you with an abundance of his grace, mercy and peace, 

Your brother on the journey, 


Chapter 7: Podcast + Pathways

In Season 17, Episode 07 of The Discerning Leader Podcast, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott answer the question: "How do we live with intentional focus?" Click here to listen!

Also, be sure to sign up for *PATHWAYS to receive free weekly spiritual formation resources directly into your inbox each Thursday.

Continue exploring spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participating in our online and in-person program offerings.

Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at