Chapter 6: Contextual Empathy

Chapter 6: Reflection Questions

As you read chapter 6 of The Discerning Life, reflect on the following questions as you practice a preference for God:

NOTICE: what seems to stand out the most as you read this chapter?

GRATITUDE: where are you seeing God reveal more of himself as you reflect on what you read?

ATTEND: as you read this chapter, what emotional response is emerging from within?

PRAY: how is God tapping you on the shoulder of your heart and inviting you to trust him more fully?

INVITATION: what aspect of your personal life and/or service to others needs to be revised or renewed?

Chapter 6: Video Message


After reading chapter 6, watch this brief video from author, Steve Macchia, as he shares stories, spiritual practices, and thoughtful ways to live a life of contextual empathy.

Chapter 6: Discernment in Action

I hope you are enjoying what you are reading, especially as we enter some challenging terrain…the significance of our personal and communal contexts and how this impacts our life of discernment.

When we are embracing the discerning life, we need to see how our principles apply practically within our distinct cultural and communal contexts. We are all unique; we come from families, ethnicities, and backgrounds that have formed us into who we are today. Having empathy toward each others contexts is key to a graced experience of discernment in community. 

For this week, I’m adding a resource from Leadership Transformations on “Spiritual Autobiography” which I hope will help you unpack your personal story. Paying attention to the 4 H’s: Heritage, Heroes, High Times, and Hard Times which have defined your storyline to date. Perhaps you will want to invite a few friends to do the same, and get together to share your stories with one another, noticing how “empathy” emerges from both your sharing and your listening. 

I thank God for each of you, praying grace over your heart today, 

Your brother in Christ, 


Chapter 6: Podcast + Pathways

In Season 17, Episode 06 of The Discerning Leader Podcast, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott answer the question: "How do we live with cultural empathy?" Click here to listen!

Also, be sure to sign up for *PATHWAYS to receive free weekly spiritual formation resources directly into your inbox each Thursday.

Continue exploring spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participating in our online and in-person program offerings.

Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at