Chapter 4: Relational Presence

Chapter 4: Reflection Questions

As you read chapter 4 of The Discerning Life, reflect on the following questions as you practice a preference for God:

NOTICE: what seems to stand out the most as you read this chapter?

GRATITUDE: where are you seeing God reveal more of himself as you reflect on what you read?

ATTEND: as you read this chapter, what emotional response is emerging from within?

PRAY: how is God tapping you on the shoulder of your heart and inviting you to trust him more fully?

INVITATION: what aspect of your personal life and/or service to others needs to be revised or renewed?

Chapter 4: Video Message


After reading chapter 4, watch this brief video from author, Steve Macchia, as he shares stories, spiritual practices, and thoughtful ways to live a life of relational presence.

Chapter 4: Discernment in Action

I hope you are enjoying chapter four of The Discerning Life on “Relational Presence” - we are shifting out from the biblical stories of how God makes himself known, and the prayer closet where we learn how to rest and trust in him. Here we are linking arms with others in the body of Christ, inviting them into the discerning life with us.

Reflect today on your own spiritual friendships and ways you can be fostering friendship within your community. We were meant to live in community by God, therefore it’s important that we share this life one with another. The attached TouchPoint from Leadership Transformations is on “Spiritual Friendship” and will prompt you in your prayerful reflections.

God bless you on this unique journey of faith and trust, joy and peace.

Your brother in Christ,


Chapter 4: Podcast + Pathways

In Season 17, Episode 04 of The Discerning Leader Podcast, Steve Macchia and Matt Scott answer the question: "How can we be present for and with one another?" Click here to listen!

Also, be sure to sign up for *PATHWAYS to receive free weekly spiritual formation resources directly into your inbox each Thursday.

Continue exploring spiritual discernment as a way of life at and consider participating in our online and in-person program offerings.

Additional LTI spiritual formation resources can be found at